
National Service Scheme


The National Service Scheme (NSS) is a Central Sector Scheme of Government of India, Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports. It provides opportunity to the student youth of 11th & 12th Class of schools at +2 Board level and student youth of Technical Institution, Graduate & Post Graduate at colleges and University level of India to take part in various government led community service activities & programmes. Today, it is one of the largest youth development programmes in India. Although, initially it was launched in 37 Universities involving about 40,000 volunteers. Currently more than 36.5 lakh volunteers are enrolled in 39,695 NSS units spread over 391 Universities/ +2 Councils, 16,278 Colleges and Technical Institutions and 12,483 Senior Secondary Schools. Since its inception, over 4.78 crore students have benefited from NSS.


The motto of National Service Scheme is “NOT ME BUT YOU”. This reflects the essence of democratic living and advocates the need for selfless service and appreciation of the other person’s point of view and also to show consideration for fellow human beings.

Benefits of Being a NSS Volunteer

The main beneficiary of the NSS Programmes is the Volunteer. A youth Volunteer enroll him / her self to the NSS Programmes with a willingness to render voluntary service to the community. During this tenure and his / her involvement with the community volunteers plays a role of administrator, organizer and a leader. Where they get an opportunity to work with and to serve the community to develop necessary skills.

Mr. Amit Baghel (Lecturer)
Programme Officer, NSS
Contact – 9131522154

कुछ महत्वपूर्ण गतिविधियां

S.No.Program Date
1.वोटर आई. डी. निर्माण शिविर08.01.2024
2.युवा दिवस12.01.2024
3.मकर संक्रांति पर बच्चों को पतंग वितरण15.01.2024
4.साफ़ सफाई18.01.2024
5.निर्धनों को कपडा वितरण20.01.2024
6.राष्टीय मतदाता दिवस25.01.2024
7.गणतंत्र दिवस26.01.2024
8.सड़क सुरक्षा सेमिनार03.02.2024
9.जम्मू कश्मीर के महत्व हेतु संकल्प दिवस20.02.2024